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8 Ways to Practice Positive Self-Talk

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8 Ways to Practice Positive Self-Talk

While making a salad for lunch yesterday, I cut my finger while cutting-up a tomato. It wasn’t severe. But, it was just enough for me to proclaim how much of a moron I am.

Even though you might not be aware of this, we all engage in a little self-talk occasionally. But, what exactly is self-talk, and what role does it play in being productive? And — is your self-talk more positive or negative? Let’s start making it positive.

What is self-talk?

The simplest answer? Self-talk is your inner voice or internal monologue. And, it’s often associated with your self-worth.

Think about it. When you make a mistake, like cutting a finger, you berate yourself for being clumsy. On the flip side, when you get a promotion or beat a deadline, you verbally pat yourself on the back.

Each of these elicits a different response. Negative self-talk makes you feel lousy. Even worse, it can make you feel anxious and depressed.

More interesting, negative self-talk can cause you to lose. Researchers observed 24 tennis players during tournaments. They “found that negative self-talk was associated with losing and that players who reported believing in the utility of self-talk won more points than players who did not.”

Positive self-talk, on the other hand, makes you feel as good as James Brown. Moreover, it boosts your confidence and performance. And, it improves your health.

But, how can you silence negative self-talk and practice positive self-talk? Well, here are 8 strategies that can help.

1. Change your inner dialogue.

It might seem that negative and self-deprecating thoughts appear from nowhere. But, we’re hardwired for negativity. And, when not addressed, this negative bias can impact your behavior, relationships, and decisions.

While you can’t always control these thoughts from automatically appearing, you do have the authority over how you respond to them.

“Believing your self-doubt, worrying incessantly about things you can’t control, and ruminating on the negative will drain you of the mental strength you need to be your best,” explains psychotherapist, mental strength trainer, and best-selling author Amy Morion.

“Reframing your unhelpful thoughts, refusing to dwell on the negative, and purposefully training your brain to think differently. And, this “can help you build mental muscle” as well.

“When you choose to take control over your inner dialogue, you’ll become stronger,” adds Morin. “And the stronger you become, the more likely you are to experience kinder, more productive ways of thinking. It’s a positive cycle that you can create by purposely changing the way you think.”

Build your mental strength.

How can you make this possible? Morin lists the following 7 strategies to help you think more like a mentally strong person;

  • Replace BLUE thoughts the those that are true. BLUE is an acronym for “blaming myself, looking for the bad news, unhappy guessing, and exaggeratedly negative thoughts.” Whenever you notice these, “respond with a more realistic statement (or true thought).”
  • Change the channel. If you’re ruminating, distract yourself. For example, go for a walk or perform a household chore.
  • Argue the opposite. Don’t fixate only on catastrophic outcomes. Also, think about how things might go better than you thought.
  • Express gratitude. Regardless if it’s through a journal or taking turns at the dinner table, listing the things that you’re grateful for only takes a couple of minutes. But, it has the power to increase your happiness and change your perspective.
  • Be mindful. Living in the moment “reduces stress, improves psychological well-being, and enhances concentration,” writes Morin.
  • Ask yourself what you’d say to a trusted friend. “When you’re wrestling with a problem, it can be difficult to find a solution because your emotions affect the way you perceive the issue,” states Morin. “But, it’s much easier to give someone else advice because you’re removed from the situation.”
  • Embrace a little self-doubt. Use these feelings to motivate you. Think back to when you were in school studying for an exam. If you felt uneasy about a particular topic, that’s where you would dedicate more time and energy so that you felt more confident.

2. Have a failure mantra.

“Yes, mantras and affirmations can be dorky and new-agey,” writes Katherine Fusco for Success. At the same time, “when you feel overwhelmed, the set and repetitive nature of an affirmation can be a nice way to counter the equally set and repetitive nature of negative self-talk.”

That doesn’t mean you have to go full-on Stuart Smalley. However, rehearsing simple phrases likeI learn through challengesI am strengthened by this struggle, or even the pithy, No pain, no gain,” might be enough to do the trick.

“Make up your own, post it by your computer,” suggests Fusco. And refer “to that dorky little mantra to bust up the negative thought patterns when they rear their ugly head.” Or, you can use the following four affirmations from Deanna Ritchie In a previous Calendar post;

  • “I’m going make today a great day.”
  • “I have a lot to offer.”
  • “I will never give up.”
  • “I’m imperfect, and that’s okay.”

3. Create a “Producer’s Motto.”

Yesterday I really couldn’t get into the work zone. I wasn’t happy about it. But, I told myself, “No biggie, you’ll do this tomorrow.”

Occasional putting things off isn’t always necessarily bad. But, if it becomes a daily habit, you’re just asking for trouble. It’s stressful and could do irreversible harm to your personal and professional reputations.

The fix? Replace “Procrastinator’s Mottos.”

These are self-talks encouraging you to procrastinate, with alternatives that make you take action. These are known as “Producer’s Mottos.” And, here are some examples from Luciano Passuello over at Litemind;

  • Go from“I have to” to “I choose To.” “‘I have to’ is every procrastinator’s favorite expression,” writes Passuello.” It’s also the most disempowering.” Instead of saying this, go to the more empowering “I choose to.”
  • Finishing vs. starting. “When you focus on finishing something, you direct your attention to a vague, highly idealized future,” he explains. “Visualizing a finished project is motivating for many people, but from the point of view of who’s having a hard time starting a task, visualizing a hard-to-grasp future can be overwhelming — even depressing at times.” Rather, just getting started should be your top strategy.
  • Long project vs. short task. Anything you need to do can be broken down into smaller, more manageable tasks. For instance, don’t clean the house; start with the kitchen. Writing a book? Zero-in on one page.
  • Important project vs. imperfect step. “Perfectionism arises and only fuels procrastination even more,” adds Passuello. “The way to overcome this mental block is to simply give yourself permission to be human,” he advises. “Allow yourself to be imperfect just in this next small task.”
  • “It should be done by now” vs. I’ll feel terrific. “When you say you should be doing something (instead of what you’re actually doing), you focus on comparing an ideal reality with your current, ‘bad’ reality.” A better idea is to think about how awesome it will be after you’ve taken action.
  • Need to plow through vs. having time to play. Set boundaries on when it’s time to work and when to play. Make it a point to schedule frequent breaks and leisure time so that you can rest and recharge.

4. Avoid all-or-none thinking.

All or nothing thinking is considered a cognitive distortion. Wich, according to Toni Bernhard J.D., are errors in thinking. By engaging them, you’re evaluating “your life in extreme terms: It’s either perfect or a disaster,” explains Bernhard. “You’re either a total success or a total failure.”

“Going to one of these two extremes when evaluating your life is fertile ground for self-blame and even self-hatred,” she continues. The reason? “What you’re really doing is demanding perfection from yourself, since the only alternative you’re willing to consider is a failure, and no one is happy with that.”

To break this thinking, you first need to evoke self-compassion. No need to overthink this. It’s really just being kind to yourself as opposed to beating yourself up.

Secondly, reflect on what you’re good at. Or, think about what you’ve accomplished. No matter how big or small, you shouldn’t discount the positives.

5. Talk to yourself in the third person.

In the summer of 2010, the world anxiously waited for LeBron James to announce where he would be playing next. ESPN even had a special called, well, “The Decision.” And, while controversial, it was when James let us know that he was taking his talent to South Beach.

Here’s what was interesting, however. James used the third person when explaining his decision. Case in point, “I wanted to do what’s best for LeBron James and to do what makes LeBron James happy.”

Psychologist Ethan Kross picked-up on this. He then decided to explore James’ use of self-distancing. “What we find,” Kross told NPR, “is that a subtle linguistic shift — shifting from ‘I’ to your own name — can have really powerful self-regulatory effects.”

In other words, calling yourself by your own name can reduce anxiety. It can also make you more rational and less emotional. And, it may also encourage you to be a little kinder to yourself.

6. Look for silver linings.

Don’t confuse this with strong-arming positivity in your life. After all, research shows that forced happiness doesn’t work. Rather, this is acknowledging the negative while also seeing the good.

Known as the silver-lining theory, research from NYU found that this can heighten performance. In fact, 90% of people who participated in a study found that their negative traits are actually disguised strengths. These include;

  • You’re not shy, but reflective. You take your time making decisions and tap into the power of solitude.
  • You aren’t disorganized or sloppy. You’re creative.
  • Are you too impulsive? That’s not always a bad thing since hyper-scheduling is stressful and doesn’t leave wiggle room. Also, being spontaneous leads to happiness and makes leisure activities more enjoyable.
  • Do you people find you intimidating? That means that you know know what your values are and what you want. That can even help you induce social change.
  • Do you believe that you’re irresponsible because you didn’t return a phone call? Maybe that’s because you were spending your time exploring, which makes you happier and self-confident.
  • Are you the type of person who doesn’t back down or has to be right? You aren’t stubborn. You’re persistent.
  • Rather than believing that you’re inflexible, consider yourself to be organized. As a result, you’re more consistent and reliable. It also makes how you spend your time much easier.

7. Ditch the toxicity.

Speaking of silver-linings, COVID-19 gave me a chance to get reacquainted with my priorities. Why was that important? Because that encouraged me to remove the unnecessary so that what truly matters to me is my sole focal point.

Sure. Pointless meetings and tasks were the first to go. But so were the septic people in my life, such as those who didn’t respect my time.

One such person that I removed was someone who I finally admitted was manipulating me. I woke-up to the fact that they were sabotaging my self-confidence to keep me bound to them. For instance, if I asked for their insight or feedback, they would tell me that my ideas weren’t unrealistic.

I would have welcomed constructive criticism. But, they instead put me down. And, that, at times, leads me down a downward spiral of negative self-talk.

I’ve since made it a point to surround myself with positive and supportive people. Just know that these aren’t “yes” men or women. They’re honest with you, but without making you feel like dirt.

8. Practice makes perfect.

The saying goes, “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Personally, this is excellent advice when interacting with others. So, why not follow this golden rule when it comes to self-talk?

The next time a negative thought pops-up, don’t let it bring you down. Challenge that thought with one that’s more rational, gentle, and encouraging.

However, this isn’t something that you can change overnight. It’s going to take time and lots of practice. With that in mind, it’s suggested that you begin with one area of your life at a time, such as self-love, health, and wellness, or confidence, and work your way up from there.

Positive Work Cultures Are More Productive: 10 Ways to Get There

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Positive work cultures

It’s no secret that positive work cultures are more productive. That’s because these types of environments lead to more creative, happy, and collaborative employees. Research has even found that happy employees work harder and smarter. If positive work cultures are more productive, how can you establish a more positive work environment? Well, here are ten ways to get started today.

1. Develop a set of core values and priorities.

The development of a set of core values and priorities will vary from one business to another. A foundation of any positive workplace culture starts with clearly defined values and priorities. Establishing these items give your work meaning and guides you in how you treat your team and customers. Knowing these goals will help you find the right personalities for your startup and aligns everyone towards a common goal.

What’s interesting, however, is that these core values can be whatever you want. “One of the exciting things I found from the research is that it doesn’t matter what your values are. What matters is that you have them and that you align the organization around them,” said Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh.

“And the power comes from the alignment, not from the actual values,” he added. “We’re not out there telling people [that they should adopt the Zappos values] and culture because that would probably not work in most cases. Our message is more ‘you should figure out what your values are and then align the entire organization around them.”

2. Greet your team.

“A little hello goes a long way in the workplace,” Ashely Alt writes on the SnackNation blog. “Your team members want to feel and be happy, so give them a little nudge in the morning with a big old smile that says, ‘I’m happy you are here, and I want you to love your job.’”

Additionally, make it a point to get out of your office and walk around the office. Do a quick pop in to check on your team and ask them if there’s anything you can help them with. If they’re taking a short break, go ahead, and chit chat with them so that you can both get to know each other better personally.

While it may sound simple, kicking the day off on positive note with a smile and a “Good morning!” sets the tone for the day. It can even turn that crummy morning into an awesome day. “Being upbeat and genuine in your approach boosts your team’s self-esteem, causing them to be more motivated and reminds them that working with you is pretty great,” adds Ashley.

3. Enhance your emotional intelligence.

There has been a lot of emphasis on emotional intelligence over the years. And, for a good reason. Those with high EI are more productive, successful, and effective leaders. In a nutshell, this is because of what EI can do for an individual.

  • Strengthens our self-awareness so that we know what our strengths and weaknesses are.
  • Helps us self-regulate our emotions.
  • Encourages us to be more self-motivated.
  • Increases our empathy.
  • Using the methods of emotional intelligence will help you develop stronger interpersonal skills like active listening and conflict resolution.

As you can see, when you sharpen your EI, you’ll be better suited to communicate with your team, as well as handle how you to respond to them. After you’ve worked on improving your emotional intelligence, provide opportunities for your team to strengthen their own.

4. Show your gratitude.

Think about how you feel when someone thanks you or acknowledges your hard work. Even if you have an ego that’s in check, it still makes you feel great about yourself. So, imagine how your team feels when you show your gratitude.

The best thing about this is that there are a variety of ways to achieve this. For example, you could give an employee a shoutout at the beginning of a team meeting. You could send them a handwritten note. Or, you could engage in random acts of kindness like buying them lunch or surprising them with a gift, raise, or new perk like flexible hours.

5. Grant employees autonomy.

A tried and true way of cultivating a more positive and productive work environment is to stop micromanaging. Instead, offer your team autonomy. Micromanaging makes your team ineffective and nervous. Independence in work conditions means giving them the freedom to work however and whenever they like — within reason of course. It also encourages them to share their opinions and feedback.

On your end, however, this involves learning how to delegate more effectively. You also have to hold your team accountable, frequent feedback, and making sure that your team has the tools to succeed.

6. Improve the physical workplace.

It’s almost impossible for you to be in a good mood and productive when you’re not comfortable. As such, you may want to look into making your office more comfortable. Some great places to start is by keeping the office at a steady temperature, letting in as much natural light as possible, and filling the office with plants.

Additionally, provide your team with ergonomic furniture and encourage them to take frequent breaks throughout the day. Also, keep the workplace clean so that germs aren’t spreading like wildfire. And, don’t be afraid to let your staff personalize their own workspaces.

7. Be respectful of everyone else’s time.

Time is the most valuable resource we have. Because of this, if you aren’t respectful of everyone else’s time, then it shows your team that this is a less then ideal culture. After all, if you can’t be respectful of other people’s time, then how can you be trusted in other areas?

There’s no one way to do this. But, here are a couple of suggestions:

  • Don’t leave for vacation or business trip without debriefing your team. They should know what to do while you’re away.
  • Always start and end the meeting on time.
  • Do not annoy your employees during their “off-hours,” like nights and weekends.
  • If your employees are at full capacity, then do not add to their workload.
  • Clearly define any guidelines and expectations so that they do not always have to redo their work.
  • Create and share a team calendar so that everyone knows what’s going on.

8. Encourage fun.

Your team is working their tails off for you. Help them blow off some steam while showing your appreciation by having a little fun. Recognition and fun could be as simple as celebrating milestones or even events like birthdays. You could also take everyone out of the office and go on a retreat or volunteer in the community.

As an added perk, this could be an excellent way to strengthen relationships and encourage collaboration among your team. It can also boost morale.

9. Prioritize your team’s well-being.

There’s a strong correlation between your well-being and productivity. I mean, how can you have the energy and focus on getting work done when you’re stressed, sleep-deprived, and feel like garbage because of your diet?

While it’s not always your responsibility to improve other’s health, you can at least encourage a healthier lifestyle at work. You could fill the healthy with healthier snack options instead of the standard vending machine options. You could offer gym memberships, hold more standing meetings, or provide weekly meditation sessions.

10. Don’t use fear.

Mistakes will happen. So, instead of freaking out on your team whenever they slip up, use that as a learning opportunity. The last thing that you want is to have your team be afraid of you. That’s not a healthy work environment for anyone to work at. And, fear is not an effective way to motivate your team.

Positive Work Cultures Are More Productive was originally published on Calendar by John Rampton

How to Bounce Back from a Setback in the Workplace

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10 Deliberate Sacrifices You Must Make if You Want to be Successful

Business is full of pressure to succeed. As a leader, your team members depend on you to have a vision and answers to their questions. So what happens if you fail in front of them? 

Perhaps you dropped the ball on an important project. Maybe you misdirected your team in a way that hurt the company. Or maybe, you’ve upset your team in a personal way. These actions jeopardize the rapport you’ve built with them.  

As a leader, solving problems is an essential aspect of your role. But when you’ve caused the problem, solving it gets a bit more complicated. What’s more, the impulse to overcompensate is ever-present and can make matters worse.

Despite the complications, there are basic steps you can take to bounce back from major setbacks. Take a look at the following ways to do so without overcompensating: 

1. Accept personal responsibility.

Often when we fail, we may get defensive. These tendencies cause us to blame others or deflect from the issue. But bouncing back from a setback starts with accepting your mistakes. 

When you deflect and blame others, you become a victim of circumstance. But accepting personal responsibility gives you a sense of control. By seeing the ways that you contributed to a problem, you are able to be part of the solution. 

Accepting personal responsibility is a multi-step process. Get started by:

  • Reflecting on the process that led to the failure
  • Unpacking your thoughts and feelings associated with the failure
  • Responding graciously when others point out your mistake
  • Being intentional about rectifying the situation


Even if others contributed to the problem or failure, you’re better off focusing on your role. From there, you can begin to rebuild.

2. Don’t succumb to depression and anxiety.

Depression and anxiety are common responses to your problems and failures. And they can creep in as a result of accepting personal responsibility. 

When you’re going through these emotions, it’s best to take a step back. This might mean taking a short break from work. Or it might mean engaging in an activity that you love in order to recover. 

You don’t need to rush your recovery. Whatever it takes, take the time to get to a healthier state of mind. 

3. Reframe the issue.

One way to stop yourself from wallowing in your problems is to reframe the issue. It involves taking a step back and thinking of your situation from a different angle. 

Instead of viewing a setback as an insurmountable problem, try seeing it as an opportunity to grow. For example, if you’ve strained a relationship with an employee, focus on how reconciling can strengthen the relationship.

Reframing an issue is not necessarily about looking at the bright side. That approach can lead to toxic positivity. On the contrary, reframing is looking at the objective facts of a situation. Those facts will show you that failure is inevitable for everyone — but is also fixable by everyone.

From there, use those facts to embrace your potential. You are defined more by how you rise from failure than the failure itself. 

4. Address the problem with your team. 

Actions speak louder than words, but words are also important. It can be awkward in the office to carry on regularly as though nothing significant happened. You might think you’re saving face, but this is nothing more than overcompensation. You need to acknowledge these issues with your team. 

Doing so is key to maintaining transparency at your company. Unless you speak up, you’ll struggle to build and maintain trust with your team. This is especially important when your failure in leadership has caused persistently problematic team relations. 

A moment like this calls for a meeting. Give your team a heads up about what you’d like to talk about, and encourage them to bring their own challenges. After all, you’ll need everyone on board to move forward. 

5. Create a plan to remedy the situation.

Detailing the actions you’ll take to solve the problem is the final and most important step in a successful bounceback. As a leader, it’s also an opportunity to demonstrate your competence. 

The good news is, you won’t be in it alone. The input from your team members will help you refine your plans and put them into practice. Lean on them to build a healthier, more stable culture across the team. 

Good leaders are built through tests. A major setback might be hard to go through — but it may also be just what you needed to transform into a better version of yourself. 

5 Myths About Optimism That Lead to Toxic Positivity

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In times like these, it can be easy to catastrophize. Treating work situations as worse than they truly are can hurt your company culture. Be careful, however, not to swing too far in the other direction.

Optimism isn’t a bad thing, but it has its limits. Positivity becomes toxic when it’s used as an excuse to ignore negative emotions or realities. 

Social pressures, particularly at work, can push you to be positive to a fault. Just think about how easy it is to say “I’m fine” when you’re anything but. The trouble is, inauthenticity is contagious. 

If you’re looking to strike the right balance, you need to know the myths that lead to toxic positivity. Learn the truth of each, and use it to enhance your work culture:

Myth No. 1: You can fake it ‘til you make it.

If you can fake positivity, this myth claims, then you’ll be happy. Some versions even suggest faking a smile when you are feeling sad to change your mood.

There is some truth to this. In the long run, however, faking your emotional state is unsustainable. Researchers have even found that smiling through sadness eventually makes your brain associate smiling with sadness. That’s the exact opposite of what you want. 

It’s important to stay true to your feelings. Don’t put on a smile at work just to make others happy. To connect, your team needs to know that your emotions are genuine. 

Myth No. 2: Positive thinking requires ignorance.

Ignorance is bliss, right? Perhaps, but it’s also impractical and dangerous.

At work, you can’t ignore problems simply because they’re stressful. Client messages must be answered. Work relationships have to be tended to, especially when they’re weak. Rarely is personal growth comfortable or achieved through ignorance. 

It’s important to grapple with the things that need to be addressed. If you find yourself engaging in avoidant behavior:

  • Meditate
  • Reimagine and reframe negative thoughts
  • Discuss the issue with a close friend or family member
  • Join a group, either at work or outside of it, dedicated to addressing the issue
  • Seek professional mental health counseling

Myth No. 3: It helps to remember that “things could be worse.”

You’ve probably consoled yourself with this myth at one point. But speculating about how your circumstances could be worse doesn’t help you solve them. In fact, it implies that someone in a situation worse than yours couldn’t possibly be happy. 

The truth is that comparisons are wastes of time. You’ll never know the whole story behind why someone was promoted ahead of you, or why your position was cut instead of someone else’s.

What counts is being content with where you are and who you are. Once you can do that, you can start to build the best version of yourself. 

Myth No. 4: Positivity will keep you motivated at work.

At times, positivity can be motivating. The problem with this idea is that it’s a simplistic answer to a complex problem. 

There are a lot of factors that contribute to the loss of motivation. Maintaining a positive mindset doesn’t solve most of them. Dysfunctional coworker relationships, for example, will not improve simply because you’re in a better mood. 

You may not be able to control what’s going on at work, but you are in charge of your personal life. Give your home life a motivational makeover. Start by:

  • Unplugging from technology, especially in the morning and before bed 
  • Keeping a journal of your thoughts
  • Diving into your hobbies
  • Getting plenty of sleep
  • Exercising every day

Myth No. 5: Always looking on the bright side draws people in. 

Think about the people you like to be around: Are they always happy, or do they clue you in when something is stressing them out?

What actually attracts people to you isn’t militant optimism, but rather the courage to be genuine. Ignoring negative emotions you’re experiencing can actually push people away. 

Of all the myths on this list, this one might be the most dangerous for business leaders. Excessive cheerfulness can come across as distrust, especially if team members feel forced to match your degree of positivity. Remember, company culture starts at the top. 

Positivity should not be performative. You should strive to be relatable, thoughtful, and sincere. If you’re in a joyful mood, great — but don’t assume it’s the only reason people want to be around you.

As tricky as workplace positivity can be, here’s the good news: Getting it right doesn’t mean you have to act any certain way at all. In fact, all you have to do is stop acting. 

Being sincere is one of the smallest, yet most significant things you can do to build a healthy company culture. Your team can when something is on your mind, so you might as well share it with them. 

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