- Select the web address that you would like to use for your calendar ie. www.mybookingcalendar.com/companyname.
- Verify your company information and make any necessary changes (e.g. username & password, e-mail address).
- Go through the “Time/Date, Currency Settings” heading to adjust the settings for your location.
- Adjust the view of the calendar your customer will see under the “Calendar Display Options” heading.
- Enable and disable specific features (if needed) under the “Optional Features” heading.
Note: By default the calendar will accept bookings online and the Vendor does not need to confirm or approve any bookings.
Click on "Add a New Service" or select an existing service from the drop down menu and click “View/Modify”.
- Enter the name of the service. You can enter a different name for the “internal use service name” or enter the same name again. We recommend including the length of the service in the name so your client knows how long the appointment is.
- Enter the length of the service and any break or prep time that you need between services/treatments.
(This will not be seen by your customer, this is why we recommend that you enter duration time in the “Name of service” or “Description” field.)
- Enter any costs or taxes that you want to include. If all your services require taxes, check off the "Use taxes from schedules" box and you will not have to enter them for each service.
(If no cost is entered, there will be no cost shown in booking screen or receipt.)
- Enter a description of the service or a note for your customer that the service time includes a break. For example, Note: This is a 30 min session which requires a 45 min opening to allow for preparation for the next session.
- Click on “Update”
TIP: If you create a new service and your schedule is already created, you will need to view/modify your “Schedule” and check off the new service before it will appear on your calendar.
Click on “Add a New Schedule” or select an existing schedule and click “View/Modify”.
- Enter the name of the employee or schedule in the first two boxes. (E.G. Jackie or Tanning Bed)
- Select the number of days before an appointment you would like your clients to receive email reminders.
- Select how close to an appointment your clients can book with you.
- Select the amount of time before an appointment that you would like your clients to be able to cancel with you.
- Select how close to the appointment your clients can reschedule themselves.
- Select how far in advance your clients can book.
- Under the “Services provided by this Service Provider/Facility“ heading check off all services that this person/schedule will be offering.
- Under the “Schedule Availability” heading:
a. Check off the month(s) that you want to have access to.
b. Select your time interval for taking appointments ie. 30 min=9am, 9:30am, 10am etc
c. Select the days and times that this schedule is accepting appointments.
d. Select the number of appointments you will take per time slot. (default is 1)
- Under the “Customizable Fields for Confirmations and Emails” heading, if you have filled out the location and driving directions on the previous page check off the "Use Default Information" box or fill in your location, directions and cancellation policy. You can disable any of these fields. For example uncheck the "Enable Location" box.
- Click on “Update”
Tip: To adjust particular times on your schedule or to take days off without affecting your regular schedule, select the appropriate schedule and click on "View/Modify". To change days off/on, click on the "Day Off/On Administration". To change your working hours for certain days, select "Start/Finish Time Admin".
Click on "Appointments" at the top of the screen and this will take you back to the main calendar
so you can view your changes.
Click on "Add a New Event" or select an existing event and click “View/Modify”.
- Enter the name of the event/workshop in the first two boxes.
- n the "Event Description" field enter some details about the event. For example is it a one day event or is the customer booking for a 6 week course.
- Select the "Cost Type Admin" button. (You must do this even if your cost is zero). Select "Add New Cost Type". Enter a Cost Type name, ie. Number of Adults, Number of Members and the cost. You can setup multiple cost types. Select "Back to Events".
- Select the days and months that this event is available, If it runs for only a few days for part of a month also enter the dates into the Start and Finish Date fields.
- Select a “Start/Finish Time” for the event. This will display in emails and will affect the time frames for when clients can book and reschedule their booking.
- Fill in your location, driving directions and cancellation policy. You can disable any of these fields. For example uncheck the "Enable Location" box.
- Select the number of days before an appointment you would like your clients to receive email reminders.
- Select how close to an appointment your clients can book with you.
- Select how far in advance you want to take appointments from clients.
- Select the amount of time before an appointment that you would like your clients to be able to cancel with you.
- The "Credit card information will be" field will be pre-selected to that set in Vendor Admin, you can override this setting for this particular schedule by picking a different option.
- Click on “Update”
Click on "Events" along the top of the screen and this will take you back to the main calendar so you can view your changes
Note: You can customize the word "Location" on this page ie. Departments, Company
Select "Add a New Location" or select an existing location and click “View/Modify”.
- Enter the name of the location
- Enter the order that you would like this location displayed in the drop down menus (#1 being the top of the list)
- Optional-Add a logo specific to this location
Click on “Update” at the end of the page to save changes.
Select "Add a New Agent"
1. You are required to input the information with the red asteriks, such as Agent Name, Username and Password.
2. The fields under the "Optional Agent Information" heading affords you the option to input more personal information about your agents and you can add notes about the Agent that they will not see in "Notes about Agent".
3. The "Agent Settings/View" heading includes settings for:
- Language and Time zone selections for this agent Note: Selecting a time zone different from that of the Vendor will allow this agent to view ALL schedules and booking in the selected time zone. If you want this agent to see the varying time zones in the calendar please leave this time zone as the default time zone and select "Allow this agent to view the Schedules in their selected time zone"
- Locations which this Agent is allowed to have access to Note: To select more than one hold down the Ctrl key while selecting
- Agent "Access Levels to Patient Information" allows to restrict what clients this agent can view while booking and modifying appointments
- Optional-Commission level for this agent
4. Place checkmarks next to the different administrative functions listed under "Agent Access to Administrative Functions" to give the agent access to them.
5. The options under "Agent Restrictions/Requirements" allows you to set certain restrictions or requirements for your agents. You will also select any payment requirements that this agent mustfollow. Note: If your agent is required to follow the same payment settings as your customer (ie. MUST take a credit card number or process payments through Paypal) be sure to make this selection under "Agents are required to", otherwise, they will have the same settings as the Vendor. IE. They CAN take a credit card or process a Paypal payment, but they can also choose to bypass this.
6. Select "Update"
7. To finish your setup you MUST return to this Agent's profile by selecting "View/Modify". Under the "Agent Restrictions/Requirements" heading, select "Administer Schedule" (if you are using the Appointments side of calendar) or "Administer Events" (if you are using the Events side of the calendar).
8. In "Adminster Schedule" you can give your agent different access levels to each schedule. Please checkmarks, for each schedule, along the row for the functions the agent can have access to and what level of Booking Admin access they can have. Select "Update" for each row to save your changes.
- To change the colours of your calendar go into Vendor Admin and select "Manage Site Template". You can take the HTML colour codes from your website or logo and use them in the template to change the colours of the calendar.
Note: Once you have saved your changes you may need to refresh your browser or even logout and log back in before you will see the changes.
- The wrapper code under Vendor Admin and "Manage Wrapper Template" allows you to include the header and footer from your website into the calendar. Please see the instructions in "Manage Wrapper Template", speak to your website developer or contact us for assistance in setting this up.
Click on “Add a New Station” or select an existing station and click “View/Modify”.
- Enter the name of the station.
- Enter the station order. This will be the order that the station will be booked if more than one station is available for a service during booking. IE. If marked order "1" Station 1 will be booked before Station 2, marked order "2" if they are both free.
- Optional-Insert any details you would like to provide about the station.
Tip: Once you have created these stations you need to go into Service Admin and View/Modify each service to check off the
stations each service can be done in.
Note: by default all packages will book services consecutively (IE. 30 min Massage at 1pm and 30 min Facial at
Click on “Add a New Package” or select an existing package and click “View/Modify”.
- Enter the name of the package in the first two fields (ie. Couples Package or Relaxation Package).
- Enter a description of the package. IE. Provide a list of the services and time frames included in the package.
- Include the TOTAL cost for the package.
- Input the number of this Package that you would like to sell in total. IE. For a holiday special you might only sell 50, but for regular services enter a high number (99999).
- Include any taxes that are applicable to this package.
- Select the days and months that this package is available.
- Optional- Select a start and end date if the availability of this packages starts or ends midmonth.
- Highlight treatments included in this package from the box on the left and move them to the right-hand box by selecting "Add". For a couples massage you will move two of the same service. (IE. Two 60 min Massages)
- If you want this package to be booked with multiple service providers check mark the "Span Multiple Schedules" box. (IE. 30 min Massage at 1pm with Therapist A and 30 min Facial at 1:30pm with Esthetician B)
- If this package is to book the services simultaneously check off the "Book all services at same time with different providers" box. (IE. 30 min Massage at 1pm with Therapist A and 30 min Massage at 1pm with Therapist B)
- Select "Add" or "Update" to save your changes.
Adding a client to a waitlist
Select "Add to Waitlist" from the Administration drop down menu.
- Select the service and schedule that the client wants to be waitlisted for.
- Select the client using "Select Previous Customer" or enter their name.
- Enter the date and time frames that the client would prefer their appointment.
- Include any notes regarding the waitlist.
Checking and inserting clients from your waitlist
- When viewing your daily schedule you will see a red "Waitlist" button on all days that have availability
- Click on the red "Waitlist" button for the day that you now have an opening
- Select "Assign" next to the customer's name that you are going to insert into the slot
- You will now see the daily schedule, all times requested by the customer will show "Available" in red
- Select the time that you are going to book the appointment and all the clients information will be pre-filled out on the booking form
- Select "Book" to finish.
- Go to "See Waitlist" from the Administration drop down menu
- Select the Service, Schedule or Date that you want to Search by and select "Search".
- Select "Assign" next to the customer's name that you are going to insert into the slot
- You will now see the daily schedule, all times requested by the customer will show "Available" in red
- Select the time that you are going to book the appointment and all the clients information will be pre-filled out on the booking form
- Select "Book" to finish.
Select “Add a New Gift Certificate” or select an existing gift certificate and click “View/Modify”.
1. Enter the name of the Gift Certificate ie. Relaxation Package or 100 Gift Certificate
2. Enter the order that you would like this Gift Certificate displayed in the drop down menus, #1
being the top of the list
3. Next, you must choose to create the Gift Certificate using a package/service (ie. 60 min
Massage Gift Certificate) or a dollar value (ie. $100 Gift Certificate)
Using a service or package:
- Select the service/package(s) or event included in the GC
- Select the quantity of the service/package(s) or event to be included (ie. One 30 min Facial and One 60 min Massage)
Note: You cannot have different multiples of each of the service/package(s) or event selected. IE. You cannot have 1 massage and 2 facials.
- Enter the cost of the Gift Certificate, the price is the total for all services/packages or events selected
- If you are using only one service/package or event for a Gift Certificate you can check off the “Use Default Treatments Price” box to charge the original price of the service/package or event
Using a Dollar Amount:
- Enter the redeemable dollar amount for the Gift Certificate. This will also be the total cost for the Gift Certificate.
4. Select specific dates with which the Gift Certificate can be used (IE. Anyone buying this Gift
Certificate can use it from Jan 1/07-Jan 1/08 regardless of purchase date) OR a flexible
expiry date (IE. 1 year from date of purchase).
5. Choose a payment option for this Gift Certificate and/or a Paypal address.
6. You can send a Gift Certificate through email and/or manually by mail (these need to be
mailed by you), select which one you would like.
7. Select who can purchase this Gift Certificate.
8. Input the number of this Gift Certificate that you would like to sell in total. IE. For a holiday
special you might only sell 50, but for regular services enter a high number (99999)
9. Insert any notes or instructions that you would like to send to the Gift Certificate recipient
10.Insert an image for this Gift Certificate. This is for purchasing and printing purposes only,
this image is not included in the Gift Certificate that is emailed.
Select “Add a New Buy Credit” or select an existing buy credit and click “View/Modify”
- Select “Add new Buy Credit”
- Enter the name for this Buy Credit IE. 60 min Massage (5 pack)
- Input the TOTAL cost for this Buy Credit IE. $450 for all 5 massages
- Select the service/package or event which is included in the credit
- Select the number of the selected service included in the credit. Ie. 5 for the 60 min Massage (5 pack)
- Input the number of this Buy Credit that you would like to sell in total. IE. For a holiday special you might only sell 50, but for regular services enter a high number (99999)
- Select who can purchase this Buy Credit.
- Select specific dates with which the Buy Credit can be used (IE. Anyone purchasing this Buy Credit can use it from Jan 1/07-Jan 1/08 regardless of purchase
- date) OR a flexible expiry date (IE. 1 year from date of purchase).
- Choose a payment option for this Buy Credit and/or a Paypal address.
- Under the Administration menu select "Standing Reservations" and "Make Standing Reservation".
- Select the dates, schedule, service, interval etc for this reservation and select "Show Reservation".
- Under "Select Available Time", select the time that you would like this appointment to take place and select "Show Reservation". Note: If a particular day out of the reservation is not available, the system will skip booking this appointment.
- Fill out the booking form with the clients information and select "Book".
Note: When you delete a booking out of a standing reservation you will be prompted to select if you want to delete the
entire reservation or just the individual booking.
- Insert your Paypal account name or Linkpoint Store Number to begin.
- Optional- You can customize the word "Shopping"
- Select "Add a New Shopping Cart"
- Enter the item name, description cost and price and the order you want this item displayed.
- Select "Add".
- You can return to an existing item and "Edit" or "Delete".
Note: This shopping cart does not track inventory or allow you to sell products in-house unless you process payments through Paypal.